
November/Farbimpressionen, je 10×10cm, Pastell auf Pastellcard, 2009
© Astrid Volquardsen

Heute Nachmittag hat sich ein Fremdkörper am Himmel gezeigt, welche die älteren unter meinen Lesern vielleicht noch kennen. Es nennt sich Sonne. Die Abendstimmung wurde schon recht diesig und läßt morgen auf Nebel hoffen, da die Nacht klar bleiben soll.

8 Responses

  1. Jala Pfaff

    I love all of these semi-abstracts so much!! I would love to see them larger…could you make it so that when someone clicks on it, it gets larger?

  2. Astrid Volquardsen

    Hi Jala,
    just for you, I will post them in a larger format:-)

  3. Jala Pfaff

    Danke!! :)

  4. Brian McGurgan

    These are beautiful, Astrid – I wish I had done them myself! And thanks very much for posting the larger size images. The rich, subtle color here works very well. Each has a wonderful sense of delicate, just-barely-there form and a lovely glow to the sky.

  5. Astrid Volquardsen

    Hi Brian,
    thanks so much.This is very encouraging to keep going.

  6. Casey Klahn

    Lovely works. I love them, Astrid.

  7. loriann

    I keep coming back to these and all your fog works….. exquisite!

  8. Astrid Volquardsen

    Hi Loriann,
    thanks. This winter seems to be foggy, the sun hardly shows up.
    Right now, I'm working on fog scenes with snow, but haven't quite manages it yet. Very tricky.