Plein Air in St. Peter-Ording: Before the rain


20150613-St. Peter ording-010

Before the rain, 20×30cm, Oil

© 2015, Astrid Volquardsen


The hot days are over and the rain clouds in Germany have cooled down the incredible heat. This morning, just before the rain took over I caught the last sun. When painting scenes like this it is very important to get down the shadow areas first.

For this painting I stood at the end of the peir and the people almost turned out to be a gamestopper. Their footsteps set the wood pier into slight swings so painting any details was impossible.

20150613-St. Peter ording-012

Foto © 2015, Astrid Volquardsen

  1. werner Osterrath

    Sozusagen Kunst unter erschwerten Bedingungen. Im Bild sieht man das aber nicht..
    Leichtigkeit schwingt mit (nicht nur die Bretter und Bohlen …)
    Selbst da lockt ein Strandspaziergang……
    Beste Grüße aus Nürnberg sendet dir Werner