Max Liebermann: Summer House at Wannensee Lake


The Berlin painter Max Liebermann (1847-1935) is known to be one of the painters who brought the impressionistic painting style to Germany. In his last years he had built a summer house on the Wannsee lake in Berlin. There he painted over 400 oil paintings and pastel sketches making the garden to his main theme in his late work.

Liebermann Villa (4)

© Astrid Volquardsen, 2011

In 2004 we had a really good exhibition in my hometown Hamburg just about these paintings and his garden which was designed to his ideas. He had done some great paintings of a birch alley, which I fell in love with.
Liebermann Villa (1)

© Astrid Volquardsen, 2011

In the year of 2006 the house and garden could be opened to the public. Till then the Liebemann villa was leased to a diving club and only after massive protest it was made possible to turn it into a Museum and reconstruct the house and garden.

Liebermann Villa (2)

© Astrid Volquardsen, 2011

Finally I have made it to this most beautiful ensemble and did spent there entirely six hours. When they did the reconstruction of the garden they also planted a new birch alley along the path and when I saw it I instantly knew what must have catched Liebermanns‹ eye.
I sat down there and tried to do some sketching but unfortunately some (more) mosquitoes were biting really bad. I wondered if Liebermann did have the same problems?

2 Responses

  1. Elke

    Ich liebe sein Werk. Und wenn ich so an Deine Bilder denke, fällt mir folgender Satz von ihm ein: »Der klaut sich Farben und Linien aus dem Meer. Det is keene schlechte Jejend zum Klauen.« Gemeint ist der Maler Otto Niemeyer-Holstein. Dessen Atelier in Lüttenort besuche ich jedes Jahr und versuche so seinen Bildern nachzuspüren…

    Herzliche Grüße aus Rostock.

    • Astrid

      Hallo Elke,
      was für ein schönes Zitat.