In the far north of Germany the Flensburg Fjord, occasionally known as the Flensburg Firth, forms part of the border between Germany to the south and Denmark to the north stretching 50 kilometers into the Baltic Sea. Following its path starting from Flensburg, steep coast lines, wooded areas and fields trim the water’s edge until the Fjord opens out into an almost infinite horizon to the Baltic Sea.
Over the years I have made frequent visits to the region and become very fond of this part of the world and, at present, the artistic focus of my work on this region has found a special place in my heart.
Whilst, in the past, trading of bricks and rum was a significant economic factor and merchant sailing vessels and the chimneys of brickworks characterized the picture of the Fjord, today it is a holiday resort and a popular sailing area.
This region is particularly interesting from a cultural-historical point of view. The German-Danish border has been shifted again and again, and it did not reach its final position until 1920. The different cultures have left their mark on both sides of the border whilst at the same time lending an additional and unique charm to the region.
In my blog I report on my excursions to this region and supplement the report with details of the cultural and historical backgrounds. I also show sketches and pictures which are the result of my being inspired by the landscape.